7 Fun Facts You Probably Didn't Know About Harley-Davidson

Few brands and companies are as idolized as Harley-Davidson. Owning a Harley motorcycle is like a status symbol. You get attracted to this iconic brand not just because of the products but also the emotions and social perks associated with it. However, there is a lot that you may not know about the company. Read on as we mention some unknown facts about Harley-Davidson.

  1. They survived the Great Depression- Many businesses struggled to survive during the Great Depression of 1929. The motorcycle industry was no exception. Many people saw motorcycles as a luxury rather than a necessity, which further contributed to their downfall. However, despite the economic instability, Harley-Davidson survived the Great Depression. The company started manufacturing industrial engines for a short period to keep some revenue flowing.
  2. They built their first bike in a shed- Several biggest and most successful companies, including Amazon, had very humble beginnings. Likewise, Harley-Davidson manufactured their first-ever bike in a small shed. It was similar to a regular bicycle but had a small motor with it and worked on gasoline.
  3. They have factories all over the globe- Harley-Davidson, a quintessentially American brand, has four locations in the USA and various factories in other places. The manufacturing plants are set up in Brazil, Thailand, and India. The brand also has a metallurgy plant in Australia that produces some specific parts. This marks their worldwide presence.
  4. They have been providing police bikes for over 100 years- Soon after the establishment, the company started delivering custom-built bikes to various police departments. The bikes were well-engineered and had a robust build for all types of police work, and capable of doing what a motorcar could not.
  5. They produced bicycles for a short time- The brand had produced their very first bicycle to capture the market early and maximize the long-term profits. They painted the cycles in olive drab to express their support to the troops. However, these sales never really took off, and they are pretty rare today.
  6. They have their own museum- Harley has its museum in Milwaukee, which offers various exhibits and activities for people of all ages. It is full of motorcycles which you can touch and sit on. You can also find several objects from the company's history. The museum also has an 'engine room' where they break down the Harley motors and show how they are put together.
  7. The founders are enlisted in the Labor Hall of Fame- The founders (William Harley, Arthur Davidson, Walter Davidson, and William Davidson) cleverly pooled the resources and were incredibly dedicated when they started the company. They came across a lot of hurdles but overcame them all. They also firmly believed in their products and put a lot of faith in their employees. Because of these traits, they were all inducted into the Labor Hall of Fame by the US government.

About the business

There is a lot more to know about Harley, which fascinates people worldwide. If you also wish to own a Harley motorcycle, Freedom Road Harley-Davidson is the right place. We are a top-rated Harley-Davidson dealer selling motorcycles and spare parts. We are known for prioritizing the best customer experience. For more information about us, connect at (203) 315-4759,, or fill the contact form.